The enemy of my enemy is my friend. That is the current strategy in play between radical Islamists and America’s radical left. The Islamists are waging a war of religion while the radical left is waging a war of ideas. The mutual goal is the toppling of a republic based, Judeo-Christian founded and Constitutionally-grounded America. Jihadists want America to become an Islamic state like Iran, whereas the left wants a “transformation of America” to a Socialist/Marxist nation. Both systems devour individual rights and freedoms. Were they to succeed, as natural enemies, Islamists and Socialists will then target one another. Key to both movements is total elimination of belief systems counter to their own. Islam condemns to death all that reject a belief in Allah. Socialists/Marxists constitute much of America’s Progressive-Left and have consistently legislated God out of American society, seeking to become god to the masses.
President Obama is the titular head of the Progressive-Left. President Obama also understands Islam. Obama studied the Koran in Indonesia. The Twelfth Imam or 12thMadhi as the Islamic savior or messiah was part of his curriculum. Islam requires that in order for the 12th Imam to reveal himself, the world must be in global war. Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad reportedly believes that he has the divine mission to “hasten the return” of the 12th Mahdi. Destroying Israel, then America -- erupts the world into the chaos needed for the Mahdi’s return.
Christianity came into existence some 600 years before Islam. The Christian Savior, or Messiah, is Jesus Christ. Islam reveres Jesus as a lesser prophet, and not God, which puts it at inextricable odds with Christianity. The Islamic savior or messiah is the 12th Madhi. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the “Mahdi” or “Twelfth Imam” will appear publicly during a time of great disaster, with Jesus at his side, to bring peace to a war-torn world. It is said that the 12th Madhi will take Jesus to Mecca to replace the Bible with the Koran so that Christians worldwide will convert to Islam. A “Muslim anti-Christ” will also surface in the world to falsely convince Jews that he is their “Jesus the Messiah” that they have long awaited. An “Islamic Jesus,” it is said, will kill all Jews and behead anyone worldwide who does not accept Islam as the only true religion. The Madhi will set-up his kingdom in Jerusalem, establish a worldwide Caliphate, along with Sharia Law, and rule the world. Homosexuals will be killed and women will remain as property and oppressed. Such belief is the driving force of today’s war on non-Islamic nations, an ancient war based on fundamental Islam that has entrenched the globe in a war on terror.
The funding by Iran of the upheaval in the Middle East, the positioning of radical Muslim groups in governments across the region from Lebanon to Egypt cannot simply be dismissed as a war of ideologies between the West and the Muslim world. By Ahmadinejad’s admission, Iran’s role in the turmoil in the Middle East is to set the stage for the return of the 12th Imam. Obama’s years studying Islam should have taught him that he cannot schmooze leaders like Ahmadinejad, gain their favor, and unmoor them from what they believe is the only reason they exist on the planet. Islamic radicals and the radical-left within Obama’s own party -- seeking to cause world chaos at the expense of the United States and Israel -- leave no middle ground for Obama since he clearly understands the motives of both. Inexplicably, Barack Obama called for the oppressed to rise up across the Middle East. Leaving them to the slaughter questions both his humanity and his motives.
Sharon Sebastian is an author, writer, and contributor to various forms of media including cultural and political broadcasts, print, and online websites. In addition to the heated global debate on creation vs. evolution, her second book,Darwin's Racists - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, highlights Social Darwinism's impact on America's political ideology and its influence on current policy out of Washington. Reviewers proclaim "Darwin's Racists" a "Must Read," "Incredibly Timely" and "Perhaps the Most Important Book in Publication Today," as it addresses Social Darwinism's national influence with its Marxist/Socialist underpinnings that directly impact the fractious political, educational, religious, and social environment in America today.
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